Wednesday, September 10, 2008

blowhards and douche bags

apparently there is a large storm headed my way
don't know much about these hurricanes
wind and rain i guess probably end up looking like mr ohr if you stand outside for too long
(overly dramatic musical flourish) so if this is the end of likeatrucker i ask only one thing of those unlucky souls that read these words from beyond
thanks for not voting for this douche bag

that is all

edit 12-03

Thursday, September 4, 2008

art for president

street art for the people by the people
no bullshit gallery reps or other creativity leaches
see more here here (keep scrolling right) or here

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"corrupting influences on religion and politics" one post at a time

eight years ago mccain would have considered sarah palin an "agent of intolerance"
eight years ago mccain would have considered a denier of global climate change unfit to lead the country
now he calls her his vp pick
biggest political hypocrite ever

born and raised in alaska i can testify that all the governor really does is kiss the ass of the oil industry and stay out of sight between elections
actually by the bush standard maybe she does have the experience to be president after all

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

this post could be your life

it could be mine
or at least i wish it could
punk rock diy and all that
somehow it got shoved aside
co-opted you could say
mike watt shows us how
make art not money
this is bob dylan to me